This may be a bit rushed - my apologies. I was observed on Thursday, met with Phillip on Friday, and I will be observed again on Tuesday. For those counting at home, with the block schedule and the holiday, I'm basically being observed two days in a row, in the same class.
But that's a good thing. From a scientist's perspective, it's best to keep as many variables the same as possible. This will give Pink Cohort an opportunity to see if I can apply what Red Cohort said to me, as I just heard their feedback on Friday. And this will be to the exact same kids as Red Cohort saw.
Recalling my first VALOR observations reflections, one of the big issues I had was descriptive feedback. Well, sorry to say, that has not gotten any better. I have been struggling with ways to do it, given my teaching style, my subject, and the ages of my students. I can easily give trite and shallow feedback that is also descriptive, but high school students are pretty sensitive to things like that, and that's not the point anyway.
Therefore, I'm really excited to have some concrete and actionable suggestions from Red Cohort! Their idea was for me to flip statements or questions from my students to questions from me to them. Hopefully, this will lead the way not just to me being better at feedback, but also to changing the students' into a growth mindset.
I'm looking forward to applying those ideas tomorrow and to moving that dial on the feedback meter in the right direction!
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