Monday, May 18, 2015

A Branching Form

I have read about these critters on Twitter, but never took the time to wrestle them in submission, until I signed up for #GCISDVV.

Google Forms have been a part of my practice for a while now, because they are so useful for pretty much anything. Last year, during a PBL, my students used their smart phones and Google Forms to take surveys about drug use throughout the school. They were amazed that their data was collected in a nice, neat package. I've used Google Forms for student opinion and feedback on multiple topics.

The forms I used before were one-purpose, flat and linear.

But these interactive forms - beauty!  Responsive and interesting! Differentiated! A web of knowledge!

I used this tutorial from Shake Up Learning. The tutorial is easy to follow, but at first, I couldn't wrap my head around how the page breaks worked, having never used them before. Once I had the 'OIC!' moment, the biggest problem was thinking up questions and finding supplementary material.

And the end result - my very primitive, branching form of nuclear review

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